Day One: Traveling East by Southwest

Southwest Airlines scheduled departure 6:50am. The Cat Man rolls up in his Impala SS Highway Battle Cruiser at 5:20am. The Southwest terminal is abuzz with activity. After checking our bags, we walk to the gate at the very end of the terminal. I begin to get nervous -- we're the only passengers without an oversize carry-on. Does Southwest require that every passenger bring a huge suitcase filled with bricks? Before long, people begin to line up at the jetway. There is a sign at the entrance above an open box: "Your carry-on must fit into this box or it will be checked." I look around; no one's carry-on will fit into this box. And no one is denied passage to the jetway. Fortunately, we avoid being bludgeoned by any of these cement-shoe containers as we take our seats. Jennifer gets her window seat, so she will not be climbing into my lap on this trip.

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Traveling Priorities Compared:

Her Clothes:


His Clothes:


Her Gear:

His Gear:

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